Human Nutrition
Nutridan is nutritionally balanced oil. It is based on oil from flax and rapeseed (Canola).
Nutridan is manufactured by a special procedure ensuring stability of the oil during use and storage. Nutridan tolerates heating and is protected against rancidity.
Nutridan is internally stabilised, using natural rosemary extract as a processing aid.
Nutridan has a pleasant mouth-feel without being sticky and is ideal for cold products including dressings, mayonnaise, marinades and margarine.
Nutridan is an ideal source of the essential omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutridan has an ideal balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids compared to the usual cooking oils such as olive oil and rapeseed oil (the left diagram only shows the relative distribution of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids). This balance is extremely important for maintaining a healthy immune defence and circulatory system.
Western population has extremely high omega-6/omega-3 ratio and Nutridan if ingested 30 gram a day will bring omega-6/omega-3 balance in good shape.
Nutridan may be used for frying, baking, condiments, marinades, sauces, salad dressings etc. and be added to all food products and ready-to-eat dishes. It is available in the flavours neutral, garlic and chilli.
This versatile cooking oil has among others the following positive properties:
100% vegetable oil without additives
High proportion of the essential omega-3 fatty acids
Ideal balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
Tolerates frying and baking
Protected against rancidity
Cholesterol free
Kosher Certified
Available as organic and conventional
Nutridan Classic 30% omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutridan Strong 40 % omega-3 fatty acids.